Thursday, February 16, 2006

I don't support hunting

And when hunters are involved in a hunting accident, I think "serve's you right" how do you think the animals feel? Remember when Chai Vang shot at the group of Minnesota hunters over the rights to a deer stand last year?

Alot has been said about the Cheney shoot-out, I don't have much too add, but here are some funny tidbits:
The Daily Show QuickTime
Wall Street Journal Roundup of Jokes
Disgust with Hunting Stock Raised Quail (I agree)


CëRïSë said...

I love Jon Stewart! And "Cheney's got a gun"? Brilliant. Except that I'll have Aerosmith in my head all day now...

Daniel said...

Vang didn't just "shoot at" the other hunters, he killed at least one. I don't trust the Hmong.