Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Yikes! need your help!

So an update on my personal life:

You remember J-Dawg, I was crazy about him like 3 months ago, now I'm not so crazy about him and I need a plan for us to break-up. And recently separating looks to be a bit more complicated since he lost his job due to fratenizing with one of the volunteers (me) at the animal shelter he managed. So I told him he could move in with me. What the hell was I thinking. He's driving me crazy. All those little quirks that used to be cute, definitely annoying me now. I thought it was cute that he was so affectionate and always wanted to hold me tight. Now I am being squeezed to death. But I feel a little guilty since it is only since he met me that he has become homeless/jobless. I don't like feeling that I may have ruined someone's life.

On another note today I got an e-mail myspace message from an old friend. This old friend mentioned that he and his wife yadda yadda yadda, and I have to admit my heart sank a little. I totally had a crush on him, and even though I haven't thought about him for years, I think I still have a crush on him. Oh well... that's life, which only made me more depressed about the perfectly nice guy I have waiting for me at home but only drives me crazy, and not in the good way.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

i say keep him around a little longer and show him who's boss...

love(d) the pointy red shoes.