Sunday, May 07, 2006

I'm addicted

I can't keep myself from checking myspace anytime I'm near a computer. I've been found by a few former coworkers from my very first job (at 14) when I worked as a dietary aid at St. Leonard Center in Dayton, OH. A few old k-12 classmates have found me as well, my page is probably also been viewed by vice-busy body Linda Becker, who I learned has been fretting over the evils of myspace. She's compiling a stack of Union College students that have posted unsavory content. (I don't think she wants to admit it but I think she likes that myspace gives her a new way to apprehend wayward Union College students). I'm probably lying in a pile of printouts on her desk, but I'm told that she doesn't concern herself with the alumni. Right, maybe not now, but she has summer vacation fast approaching and I'm guessing that she will have a little more spare time on her hands. Anyway Linda, I think you shouldn't be so harsh on myspace. I appreciate my good friends Steve Zisou and Ellen White dropping by. In Fact, Ellen White left a comment wishing me a happy Sabbath just yesterday. What's wrong with that?

Scott, I was thinking we should e-mail Ellen White and get her to send a friend request to Linda, I noticed Linda didn't have many friends.


mNg said...

It's just awesome to rekindle with old friends :)

CëRïSë said...

Wow... does Union intend to do anything about this "unsavory content"? Do they have the right to? That's all just creepy.

Karen said...

Well as it was explained to me, since the Police Department has been making arrests based on Myspace content, there's an estimation that Linda will follow the same reasoning.

Karen said...

Hi shawnhunor8714306606, it's rude to advertise comment on other people's blogs. Please cease and desist. You aree a disgrace to the blogger community.

Ellen said...

i don't know karen, i kinda like what shawnhunor871436606 has to say. why don't you start calling his number?