Sunday, November 18, 2007

To Whom It May Concern

Hello again. I've been out of town visiting my mother in Dayton, Ohio. In my absence, I haven't checked the old condiment kitchen regularly, but now that I've gotten around to it, I see that Utenzi has provided the fodder for my next post. Thank you! So here I am, finally, with my participation. (Better late than never, right?)

A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.

B. Each player list 6 facts/habits/secrets about themselves.

C. At the end of the post, the player then tags people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

My 6 facts/habits/secrets:

Fact 1: I had a let's say, "quirky," condition as a child where I would consistently faint at random. I say quirky because I had a lot of tests done and the doctors were unable to produce any reasons. As I grew older, about when I was in middle school, the fainting stopped.

Fact 2: I easily get stuck in rut. For example, why the hell am still living in Lincoln, NE. I mean I do love my friends here, but my job is so-so, my house is so-so, my car is, OK wait, I do love my late 90s luxury vehicle, but everything just seems so-so, ho-hum in Lincoln. I think my biggest complaint would be the harsh extreme of the seasons. OK I know I just riled up anyone from Minnesota or the Dakotas but I'm not as hardy as you all. I need climate control or Hawaii. Or New Mexico.

Secret 1: Speaking of New Mexico, I've never been there but I think it might be the perfect place for me. I don't even know that much about it but I've always felt a pull there.

Secret 2: My life is an open book so I'm really going to have to dig around for this one. OK, got it. I cheated my way through high school chemistry. I got a B and I didn't deserve it. Sorry Mr. Schoun. My mind doesn't think in compounds and I didn't want to completely obliterate my GPA because of it.

Habit 1: I like to pop zits. They don't even have to be mine. I'm know gross, huh?

Habit 2: Probably this is equally gross. I'm scab-picking junkie. I can't leave them alone. Relax, I do refrain from picking other people's scabs, that would be really gross and awkward. I love them when they are just almost healed over and you can lift off the scab and see the fresh pinkish white skin underneath. Unfortunately, I can rarely wait till this stage. There so irresistible.

So, on my tag list:





Exiled in Guyville


1 comment:

utenzi said...

Thanks for running the meme, Karen. That zit thing is a little odd. Popping your own is one thing, but moving on out to other people's zits? That's noteworthy.