Thursday, July 19, 2007


I'm new to this, well this blog-form anyways, if we're talking freeze tag or cartoon tag then it's game on. But here it is:

1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.

2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.

3. People who are tagged need to write in their own blog about their eight things and include these rules in the post.

4. At the end of your post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

5. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.

Ok and now for 8 random facts (in order as they come to me):

1. I actually enjoy Daniel's rendition of "Lip Gloss," in fact I heard him sing it before Lil Mama and was disappointed when I heard Lil Mama. Now that's a good cover.

2. I refuse to wear peep-toe style shoes. My big toe is slightly shorter than my other toes and since the peep toe only shows where one's big toe would typically appear, my big toe appears to be MIA.

3. I've been diagnosed with a fainting disorder. When I was younger (8-10) I fainted on a regular basis and after months of brain scans and heart monitoring test stuff, doctors were still unable to determine the cause.

4. Places I've fainted: piano recital, piano class, elevators, cars, bathroom (after stepping out of the bath I fainted and managed to give myself a black eye from the porcelain tub, which my best friend told everyone that he had given me for stepping out of line.

5. I'm scared of heights

6. I wish my hair was naturally curly

7. My mother saved two baby birds that had fallen out of their nest during a bad storm. The mother had abandoned them and so my mother scooped them up in their nest and brough them inside. She preheated the oven to the lowest temperature and placed the next on a cookie sheet in the oven (to warm the birds, not cook them). For the next couple of months she chopped up worms dug up by my brothers and I from the garden to feed the baby birds. The birds grew bigger and learned to ride on the handle bars of my bike as I pedaled us around the neighborhood.

8. I had a pet hamster who's intestines fell out of it's body. I woke up to this curious display of medical science and picked up my broken hamster to show my mom, who was still sleeping. She called the vet and took the hamster in to be examined. The vet explained the condition and also explained that surgery was a possibility but he wasn't sure of the survival odds as he did not perform many of them. When my mom relayed this to my father, his response was "of course not, because nobody takes a sick hamster to the vet."

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