Thursday, February 15, 2007

Things That Irritate Me (here's one — more to come)

Joint e-mail addresses for married couples. Example: I expect married couples to share things like minutes in their cellular plans, the newspaper, a sandwich. But sharing e-mails? Why? Is it a trust issue? Is it too much trouble to have to forward an e-mail on to a spouse? Are you three-way calling everyone as well? These are my questions.


bryant said...

I agree.

Ellen said...

it's we-mail.

Daniel said...


Lou Pickney said...

Agreed. One time I managed to offend the wife of a friend who I sent a joke to via e-mail. It's not like e-mail addresses are scarce. As it is, if I want to write both halves of a couple, it's simple to do so by including the addresses of both in the To: column.