Monday, April 17, 2006

Well Bryant this makes for two times that I've thought of you today

The first being the corn pancakes with blueberry-orange syrup recipe that I said I would mail to you weeks ago. (I mailed it tonight).

The second is from this picture. It looked like something you might think to rig up, in a pinch.

Don't miss this deal !
This is not a joke. I verified it on the urban legends websites...

You can get a free BBQ grill from any of the following stores:

Super Saver
Russ' Market
Sam's Club


bryant said...

Awesome! Corn pancakes with blueberry-orange syrup and a new way to cook them too. I can't wait to recieve the recipe. I'll go find a cart.

CëRïSë said...

Hippied! Also, on the subject of soap, did you know that they make caffeinated soap? I haven't tried it, but it does look pep-inducing.

bryant said...

I just read about that soap today too! Personally, I prefer coffee.