Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I'd just like everyone to know

that my new bra, (thanks to Daniel's rescue mission) the new seamless demi from Victoria's Secret is working out fantastically. I figured I would give my review since Ellen mentioned in her post about my new bra; I guess it is no longer Victoria's "secret."

Extremely comfortable: So comfortable that I forgot to take it off last night when I fell asleep. Although this could have been because I was extrememly tired. But still, didn't awake to any itchy straps. The material is very soft and a hi-tech blend of spandex and something else I forgot.

Support: It's a cost-effective boob job alternative. These babies are comfortable secured but still allow for just the right amount of bounce.

Affordable: not really, but I had a ten dollar off coupon.

I give it 4 stars. (that's 4 out of 4 ellen, just to clear up any confusion)


Daniel said...

If I remember correctly, the composition was 79% Nylon, 20% Spandex, and 1% Miracle.

Ellen said...

i guess the 1% miracle of your bra has been keeping your from posting...